Last update 11th February 2023
A general poster explaining what Redbridge Ramblers offers can be downloaded here:
a) A4 word
b) A4
document (no margins, may not print on all printers).
c) Original .jpg
Please would members help publicise the group by printing the poster and arranging for it to be
displayed at
GP surgeries, dentists, pharmacies, shops and other local outlets.
DAMART, famous for thermal clothing but also offering a wide range of women's and men's wear, has offered Redbridge members an exclusive 10% discount along with free returns.
Check the website and order using the code ‘REDBRIDGE10’
Most walkers are aware that Cotswolds Outdoor give a 15% discount to Ramblers Members.
give a 10% discount to Ramblers Members.
give a 10% discount to Ramblers Members.
Gift Aid
A reminder to taxpayers who have not already done so please complete a Gift Aid Form when renewing your subscription (Ramblers get an extra 20p for every £1 you pay, e.g. every pound is worth £1.20.